Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Pre-Pregnancy Power Foods

I had a bit of an epiphany this weekend.  IF all goes according to our "plan", it is only about 6 months until we start TTC (trying to conceive).  I'm not sure why we arbitrarily have chosen December, 2010 or January, 2011 to start creating a family, we just have...

So, if we're only 6 months away, I need to get working on getting myself into tip-top healthy shape.  We both do actually.  We've been having a hard time with food lately, feeling totally uninspired I guess. Now that spring is here, there really is no excuse to not eat better.  Soon there will be a lot of fresh fruit and veggies available.

I referred to my copy of "What to Eat when You're Expecting" on Sunday before our trip to the grocery store.  I found a few Pregnancy Superfoods that I am going to start encorporating into my diet.  Feel free to chime in if you know of more.  This is definitely not a comprehensive list and of course, I'm not a doctor so please don't take this list as medical advice.  Do your own research (and then be sure to share it with me okay!)

  • Wheat Germ - Wheat germ is high in both vitamin E and folic acid which makes it a great anitoxidant. It is also a great source of protein and adds extra fiber to your diet.  So far I'm adding this to shakes, applesauce, cereal and desserts.  It doesn't taste too bad.
  • Avocado - Avocados are chock full of vitamin A and folic acid, and provide iron, zinc, healthy fat, vitamin C and B vitamins. They are full of (good) fat, so some sources recommend only eating 1/2 an avacado per day (if you are of normal weight, or are watching your weight).  Since I am still trying to gain weight, I will be eating lots of avacados in the coming months I think!
  • Eggs - Eggs are full of protein, iron, zinc, vitamin A, the B vitamins and omega-3 fats.
  • Dried apricots - Dried apricots are especially rich in carotenes, which are the natural yellow pigments that the body uses to make Vitamin A. They also provide potassium, iron, calcium, silicon, phosphorus, and Vitamin C.  I love dried apricots.  I eat the by the handful, totally as they are.


  1. Good luck preparing yourself and your body! I really need to get myself in shape over the summer...lots of walks and bike rides are in my future! :)

    I see you're really ticking things off your to-do list! Mine has somewhat stalled recently...lol

  2. Good luck!

    And if you drink, cut down on alcohol too.
